
WOD To Go is what happens when mathematics meets fitness.

Like you, for a reason or another, we were not able to reach the gym one day.

Vacations, home obligations, busy schedule, name it.
We had a little bit of time and wanted to train hard.

It is possible to find online some WODs usable in these conditions.
The problem is that they often include jumps, which is good but not practical when you want to train in your apartment or they only feature the same exercises (air squats, lunges, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups).

This tool includes many variations of exercises that are mostly inspired by bootcamps.

An algorithm generates for you a training, based on defined workouts structures (exemples : As much round as possible, fixed number of repetitions).

For now, more than 40 exercises are stored in a database which makes that overall, WOD To Go can provide you millions of differents trainings.